Car Accidents and the Heat: Why the Heat Makes Accidents Worse

car accident lawyer

  Take a look at the 10-day weather forecast for El Paso and you’ll see lots of triple-digit highs. The summer heat is here. What does this mean for the road? There are several ways the heat impacts driving. For one, it makes people more irritable. On the other hand, the summer tends to be […]

The Most Common Medical Malpractice Cases

medical malpractice

According to the Journal of Patient Safety, hospital errors are now the third leading cause of death in the U.S., right behind heart disease and cancer. Approximately 440,000 lives are lost as a result of medical malpractice. Errors in the hospital setting cannot be taken lightly when negligence is involved. That’s why medical malpractice lawsuits […]

How a Stressful Job May Lead to Loss of Vision

loss of vision

When you experience stress, your body senses danger or fear and reacts in a way that protects you from these dangers, whether they’re real or imagined. We know this as the “flight-or-fight” response. There are different degrees of stress, some of which are not harmful to the body. For example, when you’re going into a […]

How Long Do I Have to File a Personal Injury Claim in El Paso, Texas?

personal injury lawyer

Personal injuries include car accidents, motorcycle accidents, truck accidents, dog bites, pedestrian accidents, and wrongful death cases. If you were injured in any of these types of cases, you should file a personal injury claim. But if it’s been months since the accident took place, you may be wondering whether you can still file a […]

Work-Related Spinal Cord Injuries: What to Do If You Were Injured on the Job

spinal cord injury

Roughly 12 percent of workplace accidents are spinal cord related. Many of these injuries occur over time but some happen within minutes of being asked to perform a task, many of which require training or proper equipment such as a safety vest. It is not the responsibility of the employee to know this. Employers are […]

Defining Negligence in a Medical Malpractice Lawsuit

medical malpractice

Though we’d like to think of the medical field as a wholesomely good industry, unfortunately, it is not without fault. In fact, it is often one of the most corrupt industries in America. The state of New Mexico has seen cases of medical malpractice by the thousands. In 2015, New Mexico was considered the 34th […]

A Look at the Toughest Workplaces in America

workplace accidents

Every seven second, a worker is injured on the job. That’s according to the National Safety Council. On a yearly basis, that averages to 4,500,000 of workers injured on the job. Some of the most minor injuries include cuts and punctures but other gradual injuries such as soreness or pain of the back often result […]

When Should You Seek Legal Assistance For a Dog Bite in El Paso


Dogs are natural guardians that protect us and our homes. We call them “man’s best friend” for a reason. As a dog owner, you know that your dog will happily greet you upon your arrival and for the most part follows your every command. So when you are attacked by a stranger or neighbor’s dog, […]

4 Tips for Dealing With the Stress of a Workers Compensation Claim

Workers Compensation Lawyer

  Nobody sets out to get injured at work, but these things happen. There are hundreds of claims every year due to work-related injury in Texas. Depending on the particulars of the case, workers might find themselves incapable of working as they wait to resolve their particular case. Employers don’t always do the best job […]

Who Should Be Held Responsible in a Truck Accident?

Truck accidents are among the scariest accidents that take place on Texas roads. When you compare the size of a semi or 18-wheeler truck (some of which can weigh up to 80,000 pounds) with that of a vehicle, which averages 4,000 pounds, you can get a better sense of the comparison in damage. The result […]