
Defending Our Clients’ Rights for Over 25 Years

Electrocutions Are Deadly — Find Out How Our Attorney Can Defend Your Rights or Those of a Loved One Lost in a Work-Related Electrocution

According to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), electrocutions are the third most common workplace fatality, making up 8.1 percent of industrial deaths. Electric currents are dangerous given their ability to enter the body and cause damage within seconds. The two forms of currents are direct and alternating. A direct current moves in a single direction and forces you away from the power source whereas an alternating current changes direction up to 60 times per second and prevents you from releasing the wire. Both have the ability to cause damage but alternating currents tend to cause more severe damage.

If you or a loved one has suffered from an electrocution or electric shock, your health and financial security have been jeopardized from this single event. As a relative of a survivor of a work-related electrocution, you are entitled to compensation for the loss of your family member. Attorney Javier Martinez, Jr., P.C. is prepared to assist you with the legal action necessary to win you and your family a fair compensation for your injury or loss of life. We realize these types of cases require special attention, which is why we handle them with urgency and care.

The Severity of Electric Currents

The intensity of an electrical charge depends on its voltage. Typically, home appliances run on a 110-volt power circuit and some larger appliances like your refrigerator require more voltage, up to 220 volts. When charges exceed 500 volts, the appliance is categorized as high-voltage. In industries like construction, manufacturing, and other electric-related fields, there is ultimately more accidents involving higher voltage levels. For example, an electrician deals with towers and poles containing 800 volts and beyond. This level of voltage is categorized as ultra-high voltage.

Common Causes of Electrocutions

While there are safety regulations in place meant to protect workers, often times employers fail to enforce these rules. History has shown that the most common causes of electrocutions or electric shocks include:

  • Defective equipment
  • Over-exhausted electrical systems
  • Lack of training
  • Failure to provide proper safety tools
Work-Related Electrocution Lawyer, El Paso

Types of Electrical Injuries and Their Symptoms

According to the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission, approximately 400 people die annually from electrocutions and 4,000 survive an electrical shock.

The four common types of electrical injuries include:

  • Electrocution
  • Electric shock
  • Burns
  • Falls

Symptoms may include:

  • Broken bones
  • Heart attack
  • Change in vision and hearing
  • Trouble breathing
  • Skin burns
  • Nerve damage
  • Seizures
  • Muscle pain and spasms
  • Migraines
  • Difficulty swallowing

Receive the Legal Protection You Need to Win Your Case

As a dedicated workers’ comp attorney in El Paso and the state of New Mexico, Javier Martinez, Jr., P.C. is committed to fighting for your lawful compensation. No one should live knowing their health and financial security are at-risk as a result of a work-related injury. Please connect with our firm today. We are here to help answer your initial questions and begin a process to secure your well-being and that of your family.