Oilfield Accidents

Defending Our Clients’ Rights for Over 25 Years

Oilfield Injury Lawyer in Hobbs

Representing Oilfield Injury Victims in the Permian Basin

With its location in the center of one of the largest oil and gas producing regions in the country, Hobbs is home to a number of oilfields. Oilfields can be extraordinarily dangerous not only to workers but also to people in the surrounding communities. Individuals injured in oilfield accidents are strongly encouraged to contact an oilfield injury attorney for legal representation.

At the J. Martinez Law Firm, LLC, we represent oilfield injury victims in Hobbs, NM, and throughout the Permian Basin. Our lawyers have extensive experience helping those who have suffered unimaginable harm at oilfields in the area. If you were injured in an oilfield accident such as a fire or explosion, contact our office online or call (575) 393-0021 to schedule a free consultation. 

Oilfield Accidents in Hobbs, NM

Hobbs is home to thousands of oil wells. It is centrally located in the Permian Basin, one of the largest oil and gas producers in the nation. The substantial number of oilfields in the area makes it more prone to serious accidents. 

Types of oilfield accidents:

  • Fires and explosions
  • Slip and fall accidents
  • Exposure to toxic chemicals
  • Transportation accidents
  • Equipment failures or malfunctions
  • Pipeline leaks
  • Plant accidents or explosions

Many oilfield accidents are caused by a lack of supervision or improper training. Others are the result of inadequate maintenance or a failure to follow proper safety procedures. Depending on the situation, one or more parties may be responsible for the accident. An oilfield injury lawyer in Hobbs can help determine who should be held liable for your injuries.

Fire, explosion and emergency situation in gas refinery. Industrial worker holding fire extinguisher.

Common Oilfield Accident Injuries

Injuries in oilfield accidents vary greatly depending on the type of incident that occurred. It is imperative that you seek medical attention immediately, even if you are not sure whether you were severely injured. 

Common injuries in an oilfield accident include:

  • Burns
  • Lung damage
  • Amputations
  • Disfigurement
  • Broken bones
  • Spinal cord damage
  • Traumatic brain injuries (TBIs)
  • Crushing injuries

Oilfield injuries are rarely minor and in some cases are catastrophic causing long-term health problems. By filing a lawsuit against the party or parties responsible for your injuries, you can obtain compensation for all of your accident-related losses.

Oilfield Accident Liability

Determining who or what caused the oilfield accident can be challenging without the help of an attorney. It is not always apparent how the accident happened. An attorney can subpoena safety records to help determine if a regulatory violation contributed to the accident. They can also interview eyewitnesses that may be able to provide additional insight into how the incident happened.

Without legal representation, you may not be able to prove what caused the accident. If you cannot prove what caused the accident, you may be unable to hold the appropriate parties liable for your damages. It is in your best interest to contact a Hobbs oilfield injury lawyer as early as possible.

Compensation in an Oilfield Accident

If you are injured in an oilfield accident, you might be entitled to compensation. The amount of compensation you receive usually depends on the extent of your damages and whether or not you were at least partially responsible for your injuries. 

Damages in an oilfield accident may include compensation for your:

  • Medical bills
  • Current and future lost wages
  • Pain and suffering
  • Disfigurement and disability
  • Loss of consortium
  • Property damage
  • Loss of quality of life

An insurance company may try to get you to settle your case for less than it is worth. They may try to downplay your injuries by saying that the condition was not caused by the accident but was pre-existing or claiming that you made your injuries worse by failing to seek medical attention. An oilfield accident lawyer can help make sure that you do not settle for less and that you receive a full and fair settlement for your injuries.

Oilfield Accident Frequently Asked Questions

How Long Do I Have to File an Oilfield Accident Case?

In New Mexico, you have three (3) years from the date of an accident to file a claim based on personal injury. However, there are exceptions to this statute of limitations. For instance, you may have substantially less time to file a claim for damages if the party responsible for your injuries was a government agency. 

Do I Need an Attorney?

It is always in your best interest to consult with an attorney after an oilfield accident. Cases are generally accepted on a contingency fee basis, meaning you pay nothing unless money is recovered on your behalf. Therefore, you pay nothing out of pocket to retain legal representation. 

How Much Is My Case Worth?

Every oilfield accident case is different. There is no typical or average amount that a case is worth since it depends heavily on the type of injuries that occurred and who was responsible for the accident. The only way to determine how much your case is worth is by consulting with an experienced Hobbs oilfield injury lawyer. 

Injured in an Oilfield Accident in the Permian Basin?

Were you injured in an oilfield accident in Hobbs, NM? Contact our office at (575) 393-0021 to schedule a free, no-obligation consultation. At the J. Martinez Law Firm, LLC, we have over 25 years of experience helping injury victims recover damages. 

Our legal team will help you understand your rights and will fight to ensure you receive the compensation you deserve. Do not wait until it is too late. We are here to help! Call our office now to get started.